There are 9 Bible Stories In This Bible Study Video Course titled “Stories of Faith.” The Bible Study Video Course - “Stories of Faith” reminds us that faith is believing that God’s word is true and then acting out what he said in his word. It is taking the necessary steps to have tangibly what our Father God has promised. Faith Is What Pleases God! Have you ever walked in a church, concert, football stadium, baseball stadium, soccer field, a room in your house, classroom at school and just sat down in the chair, desk, or on the bleachers? Well, I have news for you! You exercised (acted out) faith without even realizing it. This “Stories of Faith” 9 Lesson Video Bible Study Course is a fun, easy, practical, interactive, and exciting way to get spiritually fit learning about God’s word. In the Video course, I summarize the bible story, do the activity with you where applicable, give you some life lessons that will transform your life so that you can live your “Best Life” that God intends for you to live. Let's Get Started!
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