Are you feeling overwhelmed by the weight of illness or emotional distress? In moments of struggle, it’s easy to feel alone and uncertain. But the good news is that God’s Word is filled with powerful promises of healing and restoration. In this blog, we’ll explore five key healing scriptures that remind us of His unwavering commitment to our well-being. These verses serve as anchors in turbulent times, inviting us to stop striving and instead rest in the promises of God. Let’s dive into these uplifting passages and discover the hope and healing they offer!
God wants you Healed and Whole and I Do Too!

The Healing Scriptures – Stop Struggling And Rest In The Promises of God For Your Healing Blog shows you 5 scriptures in the bible that talks about healing so you no longer have to struggle and guess what the bible says, and you can rest in God’s promises of healing for your life! Pointblank! Period!
God is Jehovah Rapha – Our God that Heals! He is more than able to heal you from every physical, mental, emotional hurt. He is more than able to heal you from every disappointment, frustration, weariness and letdown. He is right there ready to pick you back up again and restore you to greater than who you were when the issue first started. God is Ready To Heal You Where You Are Hurting! Why don’t you open your heart and mind, let him in and let him do it for you! Let me share some scriptures with you from the word of God that will change your life if you apply them. Make sure that you read the whole article and don’t forget at the end to Subscribe to my Healing Series Blog by Clicking On The Purple Button that says "Send Me The Guide" and you will get the “FREE” 7 Spiritual Keys Guide To Living Your Life Whole while it's still available at the bottom of this blog!
5 Healing Scriptures – Stop Struggling And Rest In The Promises of God for Your Healing!

Did you know that God desires for everyone He created to understand “Who He Is” and to develop a personal relationship with Him? Knowing God can help us navigate life’s challenges, especially during times of illness. Whether we want to admit it or not, we all face difficult moments—be it our own struggles, the illness of a loved one, the death of a family member, or the loss of a job. None of us are immune to hardship or tragedy. However, there is someone greater than any challenge we face—God! He has the power to bring peace and healing into our lives if we allow Him to. Amen!
Sometimes, we forget that God is our healer, deliverer, way maker, promise keeper—everything we need in difficult situations. We often let life's challenges consume us instead of casting our cares upon the Lord. Our focus should remain on God's faithfulness, as He is the only one who can help us through tough times. I've learned this crucial lesson: God is all we need!
To be transparent, I haven't always trusted God, especially during the hardships I faced growing up. I often let my circumstances—my troubles, my "situmications"—overwhelm me. Yes, I meant to say “situmication” because that’s exactly what it felt like at times. But when I reached a point where nothing seemed to be working out, I knew I had to take action. I was suffering both physically and mentally, with doctors unable to provide answers. I felt lost and on the verge of losing my mind!
That’s when I decided to try God—leaning in and returning to the basics. I immersed myself in His Word, started praying, and sought the help I desperately needed. And you know what? God did not disappoint. I delved into scriptures on healing, meditated on them, and experienced a life-changing transformation! Now, I want to share some of those healing scriptures with you—verses that helped me navigate the trials and dark times in my life, guiding me to the other side of the storm.
Whenever I faced a challenge, illness, or problem, I found peace, comfort, and strength through reading and meditating on healing scriptures.
God’s Word and His perspective matter. You can find answers to everything in the Bible, so let’s dive into these healing scriptures and discover what God is saying to you about your healing! Let’s go!

Psalm 103:2-3 calls us to praise, worship, honor, and bless the Lord with our whole being—every part of us, leaving nothing for anyone or anything else. Approach Him with a thankful and grateful heart, for He is truly worthy of all the glory! As you lift your praises, remember all His benefits, His kindness, and the incredible things He has done in your life. Praise and thank the Lord, for He forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases! Hallelujah! He is Jehovah Rapha—our Healer. Let God bring healing to your pain; He has the power! Believe and receive the promises of this scripture regarding your healing. God doesn’t just heal some diseases; He heals them all! Embrace what the Lord is saying to you, and stop struggling—rest in His promises for your healing!

Jesus willingly carried our sins in His body on the cross, offering Himself as a sacrifice for all of us. He bore your sins, my sins—everyone’s sins—so that we might die to sin and become free from its penalty and power. This means we can stop living for sin and start living righteously! By His wounds, we are healed. Yes, you read that right—His wounds have already healed us! No matter the pain you may be facing today, you are healed because of what Jesus accomplished on the cross over two thousand years ago; He was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. So, take a moment to thank the Lord for your healing. Even if you are experiencing discomfort or heartache, remember: You are already healed in Jesus’ name! Believe it, receive it, and walk in it! Amen—and it is so because God has declared it! Stop struggling and rest in the promises of God for your healing!

The Word tells us that when we cry out to the Lord in our troubles, He delivers and saves us from our distress, misery, and desperate situations. He sends forth His Word and heals us. This message is for you, so call out to the Lord and let Him do what He does best—deliver, save, and heal you! No doubt about it! Stop struggling and rest in the promises of God for your healing!

Believers—the righteous who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior—will face many challenges in life. While we are on this earth, we aren’t exempt from troubles and problems. However, there’s no need to fear because the Lord is with us, rescuing and delivering us from them all. God is always there to lift us up, turn us around, and place our feet on solid ground. Trust that He takes care of His children! So remember: stop struggling and rest in the promises of God for your healing!

Here’s what happened: Jesus was wounded, hurt, and bruised for our sins—our wrongdoing, not His. Let me be clear: it was not His sin because He has none. He took on the sins of the entire world—pause and think about that for a moment, my sisters, brothers, family, friends, and peeps! The punishment needed for our well-being fell on Him. In other words, the suffering that brought us healing was placed upon Him. Because of what Jesus endured on the cross, we are healed—by His stripes, we are made whole. His wounds became our healing! Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice for our sins, and I am so grateful that He thought of me, giving me the chance to be free from my sins when I repented and invited Him into my life as my personal Lord and Savior. This also allowed me to stop struggling and rest in the promises of God for my healing! Oh yes, it did!
5 Healing Scriptures – Stop Struggling And Rest In The Promises of God for Your Healing!
Here are the 5 Healing Scriptures I wanted to share with you so you can stop struggling and rest in the promises of God for your healing.
Before I began relying on God and meditating on these healing scriptures, I was miserable—physically and mentally ill, feeling hopeless. I reached out to doctors, but they could only help so much. Don’t get me wrong; I still see my doctor because God has given them the knowledge and purpose to care for the sick, and I am grateful for their support.
Did you know that?
- God can heal you divinely—a miracle!
- God can heal you through medicine!
- God can heal you through food!
- God can heal you through surgery!
- God can heal you through the wisdom He gives to doctors!
No matter how God chooses to heal you, remember that He is Jehovah Rapha—the God who heals. He has healed my body and mind, without a doubt!
I had no choice but to depend on God, to trust Him for my healing. And let me tell you, my sisters, brothers, family, friends, and peeps—God did not disappoint! We must remember that we are already healed before we even feel pain or discomfort because Jesus took care of that over 2,000 years ago on the Cross. We need to trust God to manifest our healing according to His will, in His timing, and in His way. He can do that because He is God! Our responsibility is to trust Him, rest in Him, and wait for the manifestation of what He has already done. Can I get an Amen? A Thank You, Jesus? A Praise the Lord? I know you’re having a praise party with me right now!
I pray that these 5 healing scriptures encourage and bless you to stop struggling and rest in the promises of God for your healing. He is the only one who can heal you and make you whole.
Salvation Anyone? Come On Over To The Lord’s Side – You Will Not Be Disappointed That You Did! Let me show you how:
Are you saved? Have you received Jesus Christ In Your Life As Your Personal Lord and Savior? If you have not, repeat this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I ask you to forgive me for my sins. I believe that you died to pay the penalty (price) for my sins. I no longer want to live a sinful life; I want to live a righteous life by following you according to your word from the holy bible. I open the door of my heart and ask you to come in as my Lord and Savior. I completely trust you as my Savior. Thank you for forgiving and saving me in Jesus Name. Amen. (Romans 10:9,10; Revelation 3:20, 21, John 3:16) for Reference.
Congratulations, if you have repeated that prayer, I believe that you are saved, you are born again. Please get in a bible-based church where you can grow in the word of God and make sure that you keep Him first in everything you do and every decision that you make. Email me at tammyb@theinspirationstationbytammy.com to let me know that you have received this wonderful gift of salvation as I am here to encourage you on this Christian journey. God Bless you!
WOW!!!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you today in my Blog - 5 Healing Scriptures – Stop Struggling And Rest In The Promises of God for Your Healing!
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Check out my website – The Inspiration Station By Tammy (theinspirationstationbytammy.com) to grab some spiritual resources on healing and other topics that are sure to inspire you, bring you joy, bring you peace, comfort, and healing so that you can overcome obstacles, draw closer to God, and live your best life the way God intended for you to live in Jesus Name – Amen!
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I am Your Cheerleader – rooting you on – because I want you to have the best in life and to stay encouraged in the Lord!
Remember “Love In” “Love Out” – “Peace In” “Peace Out” – meaning that the Love of God you have on the inside – spread it to the world on the outside! The Peace of God that you have on the inside – spread it to the world on the outside! Sprinkle a little kindness, Sprinkle a little joy, Sprinkle a little happiness on it. Then I want you to go forth in Jesus Name and Live Your Best Life The Way God Intended For You To Live! Amen
Don’t only put your answers in the blog comment section, let me know how my First Blog “5 Healing Scriptures – Stop Struggling And Rest In The Promises of God for Your Healing!” has blessed you!
Blessings upon Blessings to you,
Tammy L. Butler
CEO/Owner & Founder of The Inspiration Station by Tammy
P.S. Don’t forget to share this blog and comment below how this blog has blessed you!
Until next time.....Be Blessed!
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