Greetings My Sisters, My Brothers, My Family, My Friends, My Peeps All Over The World! Welcome to my 2nd Healing Series Blog (aka Spiritual / Inspirational Information) “God Is The Solution To Your Problems – Period - coming to you from my Website – TheInspirationStationbyTammy.Com.
My name is Tammy L. Butler, CEO/Owner and Founder of The Inspiration Station By Tammy, an Online Business that has “spiritual bible based” resources on various topics that will “Inspire You”! I am also a Minister, Bible Study and Sunday School Teacher, Author, Encourager, and most of all a Servant of God that is ready, willing, able, and excited to help you to be Inspired God’s Way!
Let me tell you right now that I don’t care about titles but what I care about is helping people to be inspired by God so that they can live their best lives the way God intends for them to live! I am a servant of God – Period!
The purpose of my blogs (aka spiritual / inspirational information) are to Encourage You, Inspire You, Lift You Up, Bring You Joy, Bring You Peace, Strengthen You, Build You Up, and Show You Love God’s Way And All Of That And More!
There will be blog series on various topics, a mixture of scriptures, short bible stories, lessons learned, and various Inspiration that will KEEP You Encouraged In The Lord! Yesssssss It Will!
There is also a short “Fun Activity” called “Kuiz Korner” where I test your knowledge of what you read in the blog.
A section where you can repeat a prayer and receive salvation aka – receive Jesus Christ In Your Life as Your Personal Lord and Savior can be found in my blogs!
Make sure that you Subscribe to my email list below. I want to bless you with a “free” spiritual keys guide to living your life whole eBook when you confirm your subscription. Check out the Instructions at the bottom of this blog!
I am so Excited, Happy, and Thrilled to share these Spiritual and Inspirational Blogs (aka Information) with you!
God wants you Healed and Whole and I Do Too! Let’s Go!

I will be talking about the Woman With The Issue of Blood for 12 Long Years. This bible story is about a woman, but everybody has some type of issue or problem and can learn from what had happened in this bible story. The bible is written for our learning – right? God is telling us the solution to every problem that we face throughout His Word – aka the Bible! He is definitely speaking to us - the question is – will we read, study, listen and obey?
This is a bible story about a "no named" woman who is referred to as “a certain woman” that put her faith to the test, defied all odds to get to Jesus which ultimately got her a miracle that she needed; that she had been waiting on for twelve long years.
I could imagine that she was tired, exhausted, broke, alone, embarrassed, disappointed, and humiliated. Probably didn’t have any friends, and the family that she did have if any didn’t want to be around her. I am sure she felt hopeless, like there was no future for her outside of this and that she would probably eventually die. But you can’t count her out just yet!
You may be the person that is needing healing just like this certain woman with the issue of blood for twelve long years. Your issue may not have been for that long but even being sick for a day or being diagnosed with a disease is enough to trouble you and cause you to be discouraged.
I come to let you know through this story that there is always hope with God through His Son Jesus Christ! We must believe and know that He is our Healer and that he will manifest it in due season if we faint not.
Now is not the time for you to give up on your healing and/or your breakthrough. Now is the time for you to trust and believe God for it and then wait on the manifestation of what he has already done through His Son Jesus Christ on the cross.
Let’s dive into the story and see what happened with this “certain woman with the issue for twelve long years”! Let’s Go!
Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus’s daughter and as he went along the journey there were several people following him.
In the crowd was a woman who had been sick for twelve years with a hemorrhage. She had been slowly bleeding for twelve long years. I don’t know if you understand the words that I am typing. She had been internally bleeding for twelve, (not one month, not two months), but for twelve long years. When you add that up – do you know how many days that is? Okay, let’s do this together. There are 365 days in a year and there are 12 months in a year – she had been bleeding for 12 years. (365 x 12 = 4,380.00). That means this certain woman with the issue of blood had been bleeding 4,380 days. Imagine that! Let that sink in for a minute! How was she even still living? Have you ever taken the time to think about that. We often read right through these words like – woman with an issue of blood for 12 long years like it was nothing. My dear readers, it is something!
She had suffered much from many doctors through the years and had become poor from paying them, and was no better but, in fact, was worse – her situation had not changed. She was broke from spending all the money that she had on physicians that could not help her. But oh, hold up – wait a minute because her situation is about to change! Check this out – the bible stated that she had heard all about the wonderful miracles Jesus did, and that is why she came up behind him through the crowd and touched his clothes.
This is what had happened. For she thought to herself, - my dear readers, have you ever thought to yourself about something – I have! She thought “If I can just touch his clothing, I will be healed.” So, she pushed her way through the crowd – (an unclean woman that wasn’t supposed to be around anybody because of her condition and the law) pressed her way through. See desperate situations will make you do desperate things. Let’s chat a little bit about the law back then - According to the law noted in Leviticus 15:25-27 it talks about a woman on her menstrual cycle. If a woman has a flow of blood for several days outside her monthly period or if her flow continues beyond her regular period, she remains unclean as long as the flow continues, just as she is during her monthly period. Any bed on which she lies and anything on which she sits during this time is unclean. Anyone who touch them are unclean and must wash their clothes and take a bath; they remain unclean until evening.
So, this woman was not supposed to be around anybody let alone being in a crowd full of people. This was the law back then; I am grateful that it is not the law today. Can we take a minute and Thank God for his grace and mercy! Hallelujah!
Think about this, if anyone knew that this woman had this issue of blood, no one would have wanted to be around her or touch her, or probably even talk to her. Can you imagine the emotional and mental toll that this took on her as well as the physical issue she was dealing with.
Getting back to the story. This certain woman, as soon as she had touched him (Jesus that is), the bleeding stopped and she knew she was well! I repeat - The instant she touched the edge of his robe, the bleeding stopped. Look at God!
But wait a minute. This is what happened next. Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”
His disciples said to him, “All this crowd pressing around you, and you ask who touched you?”
But he kept on looking around to see who it was who had done it. But Jesus told them “No, it was someone who deliberately touched me, for I felt healing power go out from me.”
This is what I want to say right here. Don’t you know that Jesus, the Savior of the world, the healer who was and still is healing the people all over the land should know when virtue has left his body. Come on disciples walk with Jesus here – get on board – He knows what he is saying and what he felt and that is the healing power leaving his body.
Then the frightened woman, trembling at the realization of what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and told him what she had done. And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well – your faith has healed you! See check this out right here! By the certain woman putting some action behind her faith – (thinking if I could just touch the hem of his garment) and she actually did it has made her whole! Then Jesus said to her go in peace, healed of your disease.” And the woman was well from that moment.
Wow – this story of the Woman with the issue of blood encourages me to try Jesus! Step out in Faith and just ask – step out in faith and just do – there could be a miracle waiting on the other side of the action that you put behind your faith.
Notice that the bible never mentioned her name but it did mentioned her miracle!
Jesus is still in the Miracle Working Business my sisters, my brothers, my family, my friends, my peeps! What are you going to do about the miracle that you need! I recommend that you try Jesus!
CHECK OUT THESE 6 Lessons Learned from the Woman With The Issues of Blood 12 long years:


KUIZ CORNER – Time to Test Your Knowledge – Answers at the Bottom of the Blog Post!
1. How long did the woman have the issue of blood?
2. True or False - After she saw many physicians, she got better.
Salvation Anyone? Come On Over To The Lord’s Side – You Will Not Be Disappointed That You Did! Let me show you how:
Are you saved? Have you received Jesus Christ In Your Life As Your Personal Lord and Savior? If you have not, repeat this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I ask you to forgive me for my sins. I believe that you died to pay the penalty (price) for my sins. I no longer want to live a sinful life; I want to live a righteous life by following you according to your word from the holy bible. I open the door of my heart and ask you to come in as my Lord and Savior. I completely trust you as my Savior. Thank you for forgiving and saving me in Jesus Name. Amen. (Romans 10:9,10; Revelation 3:20, 21, John 3:16) for Reference.
Congratulations, if you have repeated that prayer, I believe that you are saved, you are born again. Please get in a bible-based church where you can grow in the word of God and make sure that you keep Him first in everything you do and every decision that you make. Email me at tammyb@theinspirationstationbytammy.com to let me know that you have received this wonderful gift of salvation as I am here to encourage you on this Christian journey. God Bless you!
WOW!!!!! I have thoroughly enjoyed spending time with you today in my 2nd Blog in the Healing Series - Healing: God Is The Solution To Your Problems - Period!
Remember that when you Subscribe to My Email List You Will Get A “Free” Copy Of The ”7 Spiritual Keys Guide To Living Your Life Whole” while Available. You will also be notified when the next exciting Blog on the Healing Series that the Lord has given me to share with you is posted (SEE HOW TO SUBSCRIBE BELOW)!
But before you do I invite you to Check out my website – The Inspiration Station By Tammy (theinspirationstationbytammy.com) to grab some spiritual resources on healing and other topics that are sure to inspire you, bring you joy, bring you peace, comfort, and healing so that you can overcome obstacles, draw closer to God, and live your best life the way God intended for you to live in Jesus Name – Amen!
AND/OR I graciously and humbly except donations - payment options are listed on my home website page as well. May God Bless You In Advance for supporting the spiritual assignment that God has given me of sharing the "Good News And Encouraging and Uplifting People" all over the world.
Here is a snapshot/picture of some of the Healing Products that are available. Most of them are digital – instant downloads that you can have right away! You can purchase your Exciting Healing Products right from this blog page by Clicking On The Link and/or the Buy Now Button Beside the Products! Yessssssss!

For the Exciting "Working Out With The Word Living Your Life Whole Bible Study Course" You can Either log onto my website - theinspirationstationbytammy.com and Click On The "Courses Tab" to Purchase OR Click the Shop Courses Button below!
12 Long Years
False - she did not get better after she saw many physicians
I Am Your Cheerleader – rooting you on – because I want you to have the best in life and to stay encouraged in the Lord!
Remember “Love In” “Love Out” – “Peace In” “Peace Out” – meaning that the Love of God you have on the inside – spread it to the world on the outside! The Peace of God that you have on the inside – spread it to the world on the outside! Sprinkle a little kindness, Sprinkle a little joy, Sprinkle a little happiness on it. Then I want you to go forth in Jesus Name and Live Your Best Life The Way God Intended For You To Live! Amen
Until Next Time,
Blessings upon Blessings to you,
Tammy L. Butler
CEO/Owner & Founder of The Inspiration Station by Tammy
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Cuz, very proud of you! I enjoyed reading the story about her issue! I have read it numerous times, but it was put into a different prospective for me reading it again!!! Thank God for Jesus